Symptoms of stress that often experienced the highest percentage of respondents who registered is easy to launder tired of the total 134 respondents, or 33.3 percent. While the symptoms sometimes the pressure experienced by respondents who recorded a percentage often forget that the highest is 310 students or 76.9 percent. Symptoms that is not suffered by the respondents that recorded the highest number is a prohibited sexual act, namely a total of 380 persons or94.3 percent.Other symptoms often experienced by respondents who were recorded a high number is often daydream (101 people or 25.1percent), fear of failure (90 people or 22.3 per cent), were frustrated and restless(86 people or 21.3 percent), panic attacks (88 people or 21.8 per cent) and can not sleep well that some 74 people (18.4 percent). For other symptoms sometimes experienced by respondents who also recorded a high number is not focused in class or when studying the total of 302 persons or 74.9 per cent.If analyzed in terms of mode (score and most frequent), shows symptoms of a mode of respondents"Always" is easily bored symptoms of 134 or 33.3 per cent. Symptoms the mode of the respondents who answered "sometimes" is often forget the 310 or 76.9 per cent. While the symptoms of a mode of respondents who answered "never" is involved in the sex prohibited the 380 or 94.3 per cent.Based on data obtained from the percentages and modes,indicates that the symptoms often experienced by many respondents is the category of psychological symptoms involving as easily bored, often forget, no attention in class, do not feel calm, easy to panic when faced with a problem, feel frustrated and anxious, and afraid to fail.Symptoms in terms of physiological response is that the second is more like,respondents who experienced body lifeless and tired easily the symptoms that often experienced by respondents recorded a total highest. Symptoms that often occur while the respondents in terms of behavior that shows the highest number of respondents is to run away from home and smoking. The study also shows that adolescents who experience much pressure or showed signs of psychological symptoms.While the signs of stress in terms of behavioral response is a least shown by the respondent. The study also show sad adolescents who experience emotional stress will affect the psychological development.These findings indicate that emotional depressed teenagers more showed signs of psychological and emotional exhaustion. This study is possible because of emotional stress is a phenomenon related with human psychology.